
Saturday, February 21, 2004

katie r's class notes 

habibi nonsense
allophones bring confusion
africate start stop

egg and cheese bagel
it's eleven forty-five
wonder what to drink?

class notes 

free starbucks coffee
great treat for late night writing
barrista roomate

simple life reruns
i'll watch till eternity
wish i was that rich

professor talks on
phonemes and aspirations
quietly, i zone out

signing chimpanzees
we discuss them every day
i'd like to meet one

chimp island visit
we plan to procure a boat
me and mom cant wait

Monday, February 16, 2004

for jess 

jessie comes home mad
"i'll beat that bitch with a bat!"
roomate, you're my fave

Sunday, February 15, 2004

whats yr take on sigmund freud? 

katie, i should work
but freud is fucking boring
dead bear, as you know

2 reflections on methods 

collecting data unseen
so fucking boring

Toy under Fridge
by clarence
if i sit still here
she will notice and help me
that is my theory

he's unstoppable - even more from robot 

"I think I can fly!"
failure is not an option,
its a certainty

so many marbles
and I only have two hands.
I am losing it.

more from rob 

here is one from today inspired by a man in an
SUV as i drove to maine:

I smoke a cigar;
cuz the finer things in life
are worth being gross.

and last night:

sleep won't come to me.
my body is all wound up;
why can't I relax?

a clock is ticking.
metal spring much like my heart;
why must I listen?

submitted by rob 

oh groundhog
you failed us again.
god damn it, I'm fucking cold.

drafty room
i heat up this air
only to have it stolen

paper. ink.
jumbled little lines.
the world is made up of these things.

blue tea pot
I do not miss you
some day we may meet again

that morning
gravity held me
a bird came to sing "wake up"

spinning world
I love you so much
you dizzy dancing rock you

monkey cat
sleek in every way
you're so cute when you're asleep

I am with myself.
stop being sad about that girl.

know thyself
biblicly and not
"self conciousness" SHOULD be good.

Sunday, February 08, 2004

a debate has sprung up recently as to whether the proper form is 5-7-5 or 3-7-5. i will investigate this matter further via google. in the meantime, here's a 3-7-5:

you steal my morning and day
the night remains mine

Monday, February 02, 2004


spain, your beach - so warm
your citizens - so friendly
i love the first world

clarence the cat 

long and so skinny
a shape only mother loves
they call me clarence

from my roomie 

i really really hate work
i cannot stand coffee at all
however, i have to brew

b & k's moroccan vacation 

many deceptions
drunken guide takes turns too fast
the desert is cold

p & p giggle
french girls are hotter in pairs
when will we make-out?

strangers prey on us
introduced, they are like fam
so dichotomous

sleeping is no fun
i want to trek mountain tops
katie stays with me

tajine is not beans
as the guide book had promised
still, it is tasty

on the floor with tea
thinking about my stomach
i must vomit now

thinking about lunch
i would like to have an egg
sound ok, stomach?

alahu akbar
from a muffled microphone
was once a clear call

seinfeld, kramer, george
distant manhattan diner
i miss tv much

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